i mercati e le istituzioni pongono sempre piu' attenzione al NOWCAST (real time estimates of economic activity) rispetto all'approccio tradizionale GDPTRAKERS (vedi STIME del GDP da parte della Fed di Atlanta) che cerca di prevedere il GDP futuro.
il Modello utilizzato da parte della Fed di NY si basa sul NOWCAST (pubblicato per la prima volta la scorsa settimana)
l'approccio tradizionale suggerisce un PIL americano debole nel primo quarter. Il secondo modello indica che la debolezza è trasitoria e che l'economia sottostante è gia' in ripresa.
E' ovvio che i mercati azionari tendano a essere piu' interessati alle indicazioni che arrivano dalla Fed di NY che quelle  della FED di Atlanta, in quanto tendono a spingersi oltre nelle previsioni e i mercati sa...tendono ad anticipare...specie quando questa e' l'unica alternativa per cercar di far soldi in borsa
In pratica il modello della FED DI ATLANTA indica un PIL in forte discesa (linea rossa), utilizzando l'altro modello (NOWCAST - FED NY) si arriva a un altro risultato molto meno negativo
Economists and market practitioners have devel oped and evaluated alternative statistical models
to produce these nowcasts. The firs approach is the one taken by \GDP trackers", the most prominent of which is the GDPNow model maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. The objective of these models is to mimic \key elements of the data construction machinery of the Bureau of Economic Analysis" to form \a relatively precise estimate of what BEA will announce for the previous quarter's GDP even before it is announced" (Faust and Wright, 2009). These \trackers" are usually not formal statistical models, but rather accounting tools in which the data for the various components of GDP (consumption, investment, imports, etc.) are extrapolated using a number of ad-hoc procedures and then aggregated to produce an estimate of what the GDP announcement will be.
An alternative approach, developed by an exten ive academic literature, employs a state-of-the-art
statistical tool known as Dynamic Factor Model (DFM). Factor models employ a large number of
economic activity indicators, including many like employment or con dence surveys, which are not
part of the o cial GDP calculation. From this large dataset they extract \common factors" which capture the bulk of uctuations in the data. Typically one factor is extracted, which is interpreted as an
index of underlying economic activity, and projected on GDP to produce a nowcast. Evans (2005) and Giannone, Reichlin, and Small (2008) pioneered theuse of Dynamic Factor Models for nowcasting
While at rst sight the two competing approaches might appear equivalent, they di er in their under-
standing of what measure of activity is relevant for investors and policymakers. GDP trackers follow
the tradition of the NBER Business Cycle Dating Committee, which views GDP as \the best single
measure of aggregate economic activity". Therefore their objective is to predict, as accurately as pos-
sible, the number that will be announced by the BEA. On the other hand, inherent to the Dynamic
Factor Model framework is the view that GDP is a noisy measure of economic activity, just like any
other possible indicator.
Because GDP trackers like the Atlanta Fed model closely mimic the process used by the BEA to calculate the offi cial GDP estimate, they are very accurate in predicting the quarterly announcement. On the other hand, if the quarterly volatility of GDP is primarily driven by measurement error, it follows that this is likely not the informative measure of economic activity.
Dynamic Factor Models can also be used to produce nowcasts of quarterly GDP. This is the ap-
proach followed by the New York Fed's GDP Nowcast, which is based on a DFM. The publication of the New York Fed's nowcast is a welcome development because, while it might predict any individual announcement of GDP less precisely than the GDPNow model, movements
in the nowcasts will  will reflect more meaningful changes in underlying economic activit.


5 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

se con il modello della Fed di Atlanta è giustificata la politica monetaria dovish della Yellen, con il modello della Fed di NY sarebbe lecito attendersi un rialzo dei tassi US...sbaglio?

Anonimo ha detto...

se Roma è un benchmark per il mercato italiano

Anonimo ha detto...

insomma, se i dati reali non soddisfano le aspettative, si cambia il metodo di calcolo
se 1+1 si ostina a dare 2, cambiamo le regole e 1+1 sarà uguale a 3

Anonimo ha detto...

PALLE! col vecchio modello ti raccontavano un po' di balle, col nuovo inchiappettano i creduloni, o aspiranti tali,al 100% come gia' fanno con TV, radio e giornali. Auguri, ma la vostra analisi non regge. Extremetrader

ML ha detto...

io vi ho solo racontato cosa c'e' in girto....voi fate come volete..non ho detto che un modelo va meglio di un altro ma vi ho spiegato solo perche' il dow è tornato sui massimi ...