I problemi di Panama oggi sono assolutamente primo è legato al cambio di persone all'interno della macchina governativa...Tangentopoli è di casa a Panama e Varela ne approfitta per cambiare gli assetti di entro fine anno questa pulizia dovrebbe rimettere in moto la macchina degli investimenti e delle autorizzazioni governative.
Il secondo problema si chiama debito pubblico ...durante Martinelli si e' alzato un po' troppo e a Varela è stato dato il compito di tenerlo sotto controllo riducendo la crescita economica dettata dal debito...(la crescita lo scorso trimestre si è attestata comunque al 5,9%).
Per i prossimi mesi questi PROBLEMI non rappresentano nessuna preoccupazione..anche perche' i capitali stranieri stanno arrivando copiosi sopperendo alla riduzione degli investimenti governativi e matenendo alta la crescita.
QUESTO E' QUANTO HO POTUTO TOCCARE CON MANO NELL'ULTIMA SETTIMANA PANAMENSE. gli amici imprenditori e banchieri non si sono detti assolutamente preoccupati...anzi...è altissima la crescita da nuovi progetti nella logistica, nell'immobiliare e nel anche e sopratutto nelle NUOVE ATTIVITA' COMMERCIALI E DI SERVIZI.....
attivita' che permettono all'investitore straniero di arrivare a di investire in negozi, ristoranti, societa' di servizi ecc ecc....con estrema facilita' e con il supporto di imprenditoria locale.
WMO sta analizzando la possibilita' di lanciare una piattaforma di raccolta di capitali per iniziative a panama secondo la legislazione panamense, insieme ovviamente a un importante partner locale.

New data shows that foreign direct investment (FDI) surged a whopping 32.2% in Panama during the first three months of 2015, extending the country's prolonged growth spurt of recent years.
According to research by Santander, Panama is the top recipient of FDI in Central America. After averaging €1.5bn revenues annually between 2004 and 2009, FDI inflows saw dynamic growth from 2010 reaching more than €4.4bn in 2014. Advantageous regulations for foreign investors and incentives introduced in 2011 have been attributed with increasing foreign investor sentiment in the tiny nation.
There are many benefits for foreign investors in Panama including its strong financial and investment freedoms. The country has several selling points:
  •  It is politically stable and enjoys a degree of 'protection' afforded by the US
  •  Panama has achieved economic stability with inflation maintained at 2% and its currency pegged to the dollar – currently enjoying significant strength
  •  It has a beneficial tax environment with reduced taxes and a 0% VAT in the real estate sector
  •  80% LTV mortgages with up to 30-year terms widely available
  •  There is currently large-scale development of the real estate sector that is well underway with several construction projects in the pipeline
  •  Significant tax exemptions are available for the development of tourism projects
Foreign money is mainly being poured into hotels, banks, property, electricity generation, commerce and manufacturing, according to data from Panama's statistics bureau INEC. More than 65% of FDI in Panama comes from reinvested profits, while 22% comes from purchases of Panamanian companies' shares by investors based overseas.
Foreign companies from outside the Colon Free Trade Zone contributed €110m to FDI growth in the first three months of this year, representing a 17% increase over the same period in 2014.
The country's strategic location together with the almost completed expansion of the Panama Canal contributes to its strong growth outlook, proving to be a powerful magnet for private and institutional investors overseas.
Rogelio Alvarado of the Economy and Finance Ministry commented that: "Panama offers favourable conditions for the reinvestment of foreign investors' profits and the volume of additional investments is a solid vote of confidence on the business climate and Panamanian institutions".
Panama is a fantastic destination not only because of its welcoming investment climate but also due to its spectacular and diverse landscape. It is possible to enjoy a taste of cosmopolitan living in Panama City with its impressive skyline that easily rivals Dubai and within hours escape to an idyllic white sandy beach in the heart of the tropics where you can take a dip in the Caribbean Sea.
For many years Panama has remained the top retirement destination for Americans who have long since enjoyed the many benefits that come from having the same status as a national. Now it seems that not only is the secret out but word is rapidly spreading among international investors.


1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Non mi sembra molto pulito il mare..