From Reuters: Senior Greek government official denies report that Greece raises possibility of leaving Eurozone. So pretty much everyone has denied this, the EUR has crashed, and in a worst case the EUR is one step closer to reverting to its fair value: the DEM? Of course, with a record number of EUR longs, meaning the spec bandwagon in the EURUSD is orders of magnitude greater than the silver trade, the kneejerk response was down, and likely wrong. And yes, if Greece has gotten so far, German banks are certainly now happy to write off their exposure, and convert their EUR-denom Greek exposure to the drachma. The only question is what the impact to the ECB would be. As per Spiegel: "The European Central Bank (ECB) would also feel the effects. The Frankfurt-based institution would be forced to "write down a significant portion of its claims as irrecoverable." In addition to its exposure to the banks, the ECB also owns large amounts of Greek state bonds, which it has purchased in recent months. Officials at the Finance Ministry estimate the total to be worth at least €40 billion ($58 billion) "Given its 27 percent share of ECB capital, Germany would bear the majority of the losses," the paper reads." Of course, the ECB can simply print, print, print.

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3 commenti:
stanno di nuovo pompando per far scendere l'euro. oramai se le inventano tutte pur di creare scompiglio e confusione. questo è un mondo di merda
Addio Europa, siamo rovinati!!! Lunedi shortare le banche a superleva ma da subito shortare l'euro sul forex senza pieta' (magari conviene approfittare del primo rimbalzo tecnico perche' e' gia' sceso a picco), take profit a 1,20
Di fronte alla richiesta di spiegazioni l'IMF ha detto ''no comment'', nel frattempo i politici greci si sottraggono alle domande, i sospetti aumentano!
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