UBS Buys 3,000 Large S&P Contracts
We just got word that as of 11:20 am CST UBS has purchased another 3,000 S&P Large (thank you open outcry). Cost to them: nearly $1 billion. On a cash equivalent margin basis, this is about $20 billion in S&P moving power. As UBS is not quite as, let's say, connected as GS et al, these are considered to be short covering trades.
2) In America le sottoscrizioni di Fondi azionari hanno raggiunto i massimi da febbraio
Flows Into Domestic Equity Mutual Funds Hit Highest Since Pre-February Correction,
The Investment Company Institute notes that the week of March 17 saw the largest inflows into domestic equity mutual funds since just before the February correction.
3)La scorsa settimana si è verificato un enorme chiusura di posizioni short in america
S&P Large contracts (x 250). Last week saw the single biggest weekly short cover in the history of this data set, indicating one of several things: 1) some large fund(s) capitulated and covered a major short position, 2) the ongoing forced short buy-ins by the State Streets of the world have finally yielded results, 3) someone is positioning for a massive move higher in the market by going net short to neutral. The net weekly change in contracts of 66,043 is a record, and involves a staggering amount of capital: the money involved is 1,150x250x66,000 or roughly $19 billion. A weekly move of this magnitude was only ever seen once before, on March 24, 2009, when the government had to cement the bottom of the market following the 666 low. As the Large uses Open Outcry, it explains why we were getting numerous emails from pit traders indicating that Goldman was buying up billions worth of S&P Large.

UBS Buys 3,000 Large S&P Contracts
We just got word that as of 11:20 am CST UBS has purchased another 3,000 S&P Large (thank you open outcry). Cost to them: nearly $1 billion. On a cash equivalent margin basis, this is about $20 billion in S&P moving power. As UBS is not quite as, let's say, connected as GS et al, these are considered to be short covering trades.
2) In America le sottoscrizioni di Fondi azionari hanno raggiunto i massimi da febbraio
Flows Into Domestic Equity Mutual Funds Hit Highest Since Pre-February Correction,
The Investment Company Institute notes that the week of March 17 saw the largest inflows into domestic equity mutual funds since just before the February correction.

3)La scorsa settimana si è verificato un enorme chiusura di posizioni short in america
S&P Large contracts (x 250). Last week saw the single biggest weekly short cover in the history of this data set, indicating one of several things: 1) some large fund(s) capitulated and covered a major short position, 2) the ongoing forced short buy-ins by the State Streets of the world have finally yielded results, 3) someone is positioning for a massive move higher in the market by going net short to neutral. The net weekly change in contracts of 66,043 is a record, and involves a staggering amount of capital: the money involved is 1,150x250x66,000 or roughly $19 billion. A weekly move of this magnitude was only ever seen once before, on March 24, 2009, when the government had to cement the bottom of the market following the 666 low. As the Large uses Open Outcry, it explains why we were getting numerous emails from pit traders indicating that Goldman was buying up billions worth of S&P Large.

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10 commenti:
la borsa deve andare sù, altrimenti i tassi tenuti bassi a che servono?
mi puzza di zolfo!troppo baccano!quando è così capita sempre il contrario......
bene allora si sale ...
Quindi la borsa sale contro tutte le vostre previsioni.
Molto interessante, ergo si va long di dollaro e corporate America, almeno fino a quando Bernanke ometterà di parlare di tassi eccezionalmente bassi per un periodo indeterminato.
L'impressione è che i mercati siano molto controllati dalla FED e dai compagni di merende, almeno fino al prossimo default di qualche stato medio-piccolo..
Luca C.
atca: le è scemo o mangia stupidità?
Ma lei legge o scrofa?
caro Paolo le tue informazioni sono sempre preziose ma messe cosi' ho paura che invoglino ,sbagliando ,molti lettori ad andare long ... tu lo sai meglio di me che di solito succede proprio l'opposto di quello che ti fanno credere .
con stima / gino
dax ai massimi da un anno idem x daw noi no.anzi faccio notare che la nostra borsa è sempre la prima a stornare sembra che tutti abbiano un piede dentro e uno fuori, la mia impressione che di investitori puri non ce ne siano anzi solo speculatori, sono d'accordo con mercato libero questo è puro mercato del pesce anzi molto rischioso, stop loss corti ti fanno uscire io credo che questo sia un momento difficile, se uno ha disponibilità può tentare a compraer piccole quote di titoli a largo flottante tipo eni enel intesa unicr .penso che in caso di disastro siano gli ultimi a disintegrarsi o no? buona serata a tutti spero di conoscere il dottor barrai a riccione ciao
io certi traders non li capisco!!
scrivono che il mercato continuerà a salire...e poi dicono di comprare titoli come ENEL, UNI o INTESA per salvarsi in caso di discesa repentina del che pifferi state dicendo!!....sono i primi a scendere !!!....memoria corta eheheh!!
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