Interessante storiella che gira fra gli operatori internazionali. Che sia stata messa in gira da qualche invidioso?
ZURICH, 07.05.09 17.09 -()- Italian carmaker Fiat, led by
pioneering CEO and turnaround specialist Sergio Marchionne, has
confirmed that it is interested in acquiring the increasingly troubled
European country of Switzerland. Marchionne, fresh from cementing a deal
to take operational control of Chrysler in the US, following successful
early talks with the German government about Opel, and subsequent to an
e.mail to the Swedish government confirming he is willing to take on
Saab, was seen leaving a government building in Berne, Switzerland,
Sources insist that Marchionne was misreported when he said that the
minimum economic scale for a carmaker was 5.5-6mn units. Marchionne
actually said that for an automaker to reach minimum economic sale it
required 5.5-6mn employees. A Fiat spokesman said "Fiat Auto only has
55,000 employees, Opel only has 48,000 and Chrysler brings only 44,000 -
so we are still far short of plan".
A source close to the Agnellis said "Marchionne came up with this idea
himself over the weekend, while stopping off at home in Geneva for a
shower. Switzerland officially has 7.7mn people but we estimate about
2mn are foreigners, diplomats and tax exiles so if we reverse that out,
it's the perfect solution to get to the magic number".
A Fiat executive, who wished to remain anonymous, said "the synergies
are huge. The car industry suffers from too many brands and too much
capacity - just like the continent of Europe - where there are clearly
too many countries and too many currencies. By bringing Switzerland into
the Fiat-Chrysler-Opel-Saab Alliance we can improve car making scale
economies and start the European consolidation process"
Swiss politicians apparently have welcomed the move. One adviser to a
leading politician, speaking anonymously, said "this is a great solution
to looming unemployment in our country. As Marchionne knows, we have
tens of thousands of UBS employees that are no longer going to have a
job and now that Obama is determined to challenge our secrecy rules, the
whole private banking industry could be wiped out. The ski resorts are
suffering too as neither the Russians nor Brits can afford to come here
anymore. We just hope we can agree a deal with Fiat that avoids closing
any Cantons".
European politicians welcomed the move. EU Vice Commissioner Guenter
Verheugen, who only 10 days ago questioned Fiat's deal making, said
"this is a great solution for Fiat and for Europe. The Swiss have long
been difficult about joining Europe but thanks to this proposed Alliance
we can get them into the EU and leverage their highly skilled workforce
to start making competitive European cars".
Analysts agree that the deal has great potential. Max Warburton,
automobile analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein in London and a popular
source of cliched quotes on Fiat said "this is the Big One for sure. The
labour and organisational synergies are huge - Switzerland is half way
between Fiat's facilities in Italy and Opel in Germany. Think of the
time saved if executives can meet halfway."
Adam Jonas, auto analyst at Morgan Stanley said "This deal just has to
happen. The Swiss produce 22mn bars of Toblerone chocolate A DAY.
Imagine if they could take control of Fiat's low productivity plants and
ramp production up to that kind of level. Toyota watch out!"
Bob Lutz, recently retired GM and Chrysler product guru and former Swiss
citizen, said from his chalet above Klosters "this deal makes a
wholelotta sense, particularly from a branding pointaview. Let's be
honest, the Chrysler, Vauxhall and even the Saab brands are so weak that
it makes better sense to put the Swiss flag's red cross on the grilles
as a new brand instead. The Swiss flag stands for solidity and
discretion and is associated with the durability of the Swiss army knife
and precision of a Swiss watch. Excellent attributes for a range of
Rumours abound that if a Swiss deal cannot be reached, Fiat will turn
its attention to Ireland, with its similar population.
Neither Swiss politicians nor Mr. Marchionne could be reached for

ZURICH, 07.05.09 17.09 -()- Italian carmaker Fiat, led by
pioneering CEO and turnaround specialist Sergio Marchionne, has
confirmed that it is interested in acquiring the increasingly troubled
European country of Switzerland. Marchionne, fresh from cementing a deal
to take operational control of Chrysler in the US, following successful
early talks with the German government about Opel, and subsequent to an
e.mail to the Swedish government confirming he is willing to take on
Saab, was seen leaving a government building in Berne, Switzerland,
Sources insist that Marchionne was misreported when he said that the
minimum economic scale for a carmaker was 5.5-6mn units. Marchionne
actually said that for an automaker to reach minimum economic sale it
required 5.5-6mn employees. A Fiat spokesman said "Fiat Auto only has
55,000 employees, Opel only has 48,000 and Chrysler brings only 44,000 -
so we are still far short of plan".
A source close to the Agnellis said "Marchionne came up with this idea
himself over the weekend, while stopping off at home in Geneva for a
shower. Switzerland officially has 7.7mn people but we estimate about
2mn are foreigners, diplomats and tax exiles so if we reverse that out,
it's the perfect solution to get to the magic number".
A Fiat executive, who wished to remain anonymous, said "the synergies
are huge. The car industry suffers from too many brands and too much
capacity - just like the continent of Europe - where there are clearly
too many countries and too many currencies. By bringing Switzerland into
the Fiat-Chrysler-Opel-Saab Alliance we can improve car making scale
economies and start the European consolidation process"
Swiss politicians apparently have welcomed the move. One adviser to a
leading politician, speaking anonymously, said "this is a great solution
to looming unemployment in our country. As Marchionne knows, we have
tens of thousands of UBS employees that are no longer going to have a
job and now that Obama is determined to challenge our secrecy rules, the
whole private banking industry could be wiped out. The ski resorts are
suffering too as neither the Russians nor Brits can afford to come here
anymore. We just hope we can agree a deal with Fiat that avoids closing
any Cantons".
European politicians welcomed the move. EU Vice Commissioner Guenter
Verheugen, who only 10 days ago questioned Fiat's deal making, said
"this is a great solution for Fiat and for Europe. The Swiss have long
been difficult about joining Europe but thanks to this proposed Alliance
we can get them into the EU and leverage their highly skilled workforce
to start making competitive European cars".
Analysts agree that the deal has great potential. Max Warburton,
automobile analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein in London and a popular
source of cliched quotes on Fiat said "this is the Big One for sure. The
labour and organisational synergies are huge - Switzerland is half way
between Fiat's facilities in Italy and Opel in Germany. Think of the
time saved if executives can meet halfway."
Adam Jonas, auto analyst at Morgan Stanley said "This deal just has to
happen. The Swiss produce 22mn bars of Toblerone chocolate A DAY.
Imagine if they could take control of Fiat's low productivity plants and
ramp production up to that kind of level. Toyota watch out!"
Bob Lutz, recently retired GM and Chrysler product guru and former Swiss
citizen, said from his chalet above Klosters "this deal makes a
wholelotta sense, particularly from a branding pointaview. Let's be
honest, the Chrysler, Vauxhall and even the Saab brands are so weak that
it makes better sense to put the Swiss flag's red cross on the grilles
as a new brand instead. The Swiss flag stands for solidity and
discretion and is associated with the durability of the Swiss army knife
and precision of a Swiss watch. Excellent attributes for a range of
Rumours abound that if a Swiss deal cannot be reached, Fiat will turn
its attention to Ireland, with its similar population.
Neither Swiss politicians nor Mr. Marchionne could be reached for

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6 commenti:
Molto simpatico!
Luca Salvarani Mantova.
Tutti gli ETF che seguono un indice sono tendenti a zero. Sia short che long.La leva determina la velocità con cui andranno a zero.
TUTTI. Sia quelli a leva1,2,3 ecc . Sui future il discorso è diverso perchè sono l'indice stesso ma non entrerò nel dettaglio dei future che poi si usano in maniera diversa dagli ETF,ma solo sugli strumenti ibridi come gli ETF che cercano di seguire il future di riferimento.
Come vado dicendo da un po' sia FAS che FAZ in america come XBRMIB e LEVMIB in italia contrariamente alle credenze popolari non sono strumenti per il medio periodo ma massimo per la durata di un trend. Mi spiego meglio. Sono strumenti che vanno comprati in trend e mollati non appena cambia trend comprando l'ETF contrario.
Questo video che ho trovato in inglese spiega il tutto. Per chi non sa l'inglese guardando le figure e i grafici che posto in seguito capirà al volo.
Questi strumenti sono da prendere in trend e mai contro trend. Se si sbaglia ad entrare devo cercare di uscire in prima possibile con una serie di strategie che ho elaborato e sto mettendo in atto ma sarò più chiaro non appena sarà passato il giusto tempo in quando son strumenti che uso da pochissimo e vista la moda ho provato a dargli un occhiata solo di recente.
Nel primo grafico si vede come un ETF a leva3 come FAS/FAZ in un solo anno scarso, son partiti ad ottobre abbia perso dal momento della quotazione il FAS il 74% mentre il FAZ il 94%. Dunque si perde sempre se lo si tiene per un periodo pseudo lungo ma che abbia in se vari trend lunghi qualche mese. Infatti ad ottobre si andava giù, poi si è tornati su fiono a gennaio poi si eè riscesi fino a marzo e poi si arriva sempre su fino a ieri sera.
Non faccio l'esempio dei nostri XBRMIB e LEVMIB ma è facile capire che in un hanno perderanno circa metà rispetto al FAS, LEVMIB, o DAXLEV e circa metà rispetto al FAZ XBRMIB.
Nel secondo grafico si nota come se sono in trend vinco bene con l'ETF in trend e perdo solo con l'altro.
Dunque se più volte cambia il trend e più perdo se ce l'ho in portafoglio.
Per fare un ultimo esempio che chiarisca nelle menti dei più scettici cosa succede applicando svariate volte le percentuali su trend diversi ipotizzo una correzzione del trend in essere che riporti per esempio SP500 a 800 per poi ripartire e andare a 1000.
Adesso semplificando il tutto con il FAS ora a 12 potrebbe riscendere a 6 per poi magari tornare solo su fino a 20 con SP500 a 1000 e non più a 50 come da tanti paventato.
Esistono un paio di strategie che sto ancora sperimentando e perfezionando che ovviano a questo inconveniente.
Spero di essere stato utile.
Io sono pro futures e contro ETF, per avere un prodotto così scarso (poco reattivo e a NAV incognito) doverci pagare le commissioni mi sembra un affronto.
Parere personale, per me è un prodotto in generale poco efficiente, anche se aver cavalcato un ETF short in leva come l'xbearmib capisco bene possa aver dato soddisfazioni un po' a tutti ultimamente.
Voci di corridoio vicini alla vicenda dicono che il piano di marchionne prevede la chiusura del cantone di ginevra.
chiudono il cantone di ginevra, ma aprono 100 bordelli in più, con uno scambio di tecnologie
Pigreco,e' un argomento che m'interessa molto.Sulle commodity so che ci sono anche i phisical che non si basano sul future e detengono in deposito una quantita' del sottostante.Per i replicanti d'indici azionari, basati su futures,ho notato che in prossimita' delle scadenze future, se c'e' stato nei 3 mesi un movimento deciso al ribasso, prima della scadenza c'e' una correzione,cioe' comprano futures svenduti o ricoperti a bassi prezzi e li fanno risalire.In queste scadenze penserei che il etf vada tradato.Ma sono ipotesi, non ho esperienza di etf,per ora.
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